Adaptive Fitness and Sports at the Y is designed to help individuals with all abilities reach their fullest potential through support and fellowship, as well as health, wellness and sport activities.
Members have the opportunity to meet with a fitness coach who will help the member set goals, design a personal exercise program based on individual needs and train participants to use adaptive or standard equipment independently or with assistance.
We work with people who have a variety of special abilities, including: Spina Bifida, Cerebral Palsy, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Spinal Cord Injuries, Traumatic Brain Injuries, PANDAS syndrome, and Autism.
Branches with Adaptive Programming classes currently running: Wheeler Regional Family YMCA, Wilson-Gray YMCA Youth & Family Center. Please contact our Welcome Centers for information on days and times of classes and to set up an appointment with someone in the Wellness Department:
- Wheeler: 860-793-9631
- Wilson-Gray: 860-241-9622